Think Tall!

"Think Tall!" That’s what my Grandfather who stood 6’7 used to say. He told me to, “Stand up straight, pull your shoulders back, and to be proud of who you are.” I have heeded this advice throughout my life with a sense of pride and confidence. I was normal height throughout grade school, until I hit about 7th grade and grew from around 5’2 to 5’7 in one summer. By the time I entered high school, I was 5’8 my freshman year, 5’9 as a sophomore, 5’10 as a junior and 5’11 as a senior. Finding shoes and clothing that fit me properly was always a challenge for my mother. There was one time she said to me after trying on numerous pairs of  ’too tight’ shoes in the shoestore, “I think perhaps you’re going to have to wear the shoebox home!”  

I came from a tall family on both sides of northern European descent – Norwegian, German, Scottish, Welsh, Irish and English.  My mother is 5’10, father was 6’4, grandfather, 6'7, grandmothers 5’8 and 5’7…I didn’t have a chance!  As any vertically gifted individual will tell you, there’s simply no blending in!

The questions came, “So, do you play basketball?”

I would answer, “Yes, and volleyball too!”

I never really mind the inquisitive inquiries, as they serve as a conversation starter.  In my business, I need an excuse to start a conversation, so it has worked for me.  I must say, as a grown woman, I’m happy with the advice my grandfather gave to me when I was around 13 years old, “Think Tall!” It’s a state of mind, really, for my outlook on life, my positive attitude and the way I want my own children to view their position in the world.  I feel everyone should “Think Tall,” regardless of your height.

Afterall, you don't have to 'be tall, to 'think tall.' (I’ll be selling the T-Shirts later).


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